Reply To: questions on criteria for the input and output

PID Tuner Forum Forums PID Tuner Help questions on criteria for the input and output Reply To: questions on criteria for the input and output


thanks for the pdf it appears to be a recofiguration of the classic block diagram


error_in >> controller >> system >> process

^^^^ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<vvvvv


from what I can tell the document is saying to use the actuator value as

the input from 0 to 100 percent……..and either the process or the input error in the PIDtuner column labelled output


this clarifies that the error is not the input but now I am back to clarifying the output column , as to be needing the


since the document kind of goes in circles Im still seeking to clarify if that is the system or the error that will work best for this (in the output column data)